Module 4 : Settling Consumer Disputes


Created by ACCP Last Updated 17/06/2022 18:19


What's Included

  • 24 Lessons
  • 2-hour self-paced learning
  • Free of charge
  • Access on tablet and laptop

Click the overview video to learn more.


Module Overview

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24 Lessons

WEEK 1: Basic Concepts and Purpose 8 Lessons


What is consumer access to redress, and why does it matter?

What are key principles for the delivery of justice to consumers?

What types of compensation can consumers expect from businesses?

Hear from consumer champions in ASEAN

Exercise of Week 1

Food for Thought: Being engaged in a consumer dispute

Downloadable materials

WEEK 2: Consumer Complaints Channels 6 Lessons
WEEK 3: Dispute Resolution Processes 8 Lessons
WEEK 4: Wrap-up and Final Quiz 6 Lessons



The ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) was established in 2007 by the ASEAN Economic Ministers.

The e-learning initiative as foreseen by the ACCP is in accordance to deliverable 4.1.5 of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for Consumer Protection (ASAPCP) 2025. The development of the e-learning tools is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, within the framework of the PROTECT project (2019-2022).